segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2009

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Congresso Sociologia Taiwan (para quem quiser ir)

Preliminary List of Presenters and Paper Titles:


Michel Wieviorka: "Sociological Intervention in an Unequal World."

THEME #1: Facing the hegemony of northern sociologies, and assessing alternatives that have emerged in different parts of the world (including the north itself) in response to that hegemony.

Abaza, Mona (Egypt): The absence of the social sciences in Egypt

Achwan, Rochman (Indonesia): The Contestation of Mainstream and Alternative Public Sociology in Indonesia

Alatas, Syed Farid (Singapore*): The Hegemony of Northern Sociologies and Overcoming Academic Dependency

Al-Naqeeb, Khaldoun (Kuwait): Neo-Primordialism as a problem for third world sociology

Connell, Raewyn (Australia ): Antipodes: Australian sociology's struggles with place, memory, and neoliberalism

Crothers, Charles (New Zealand): Producing a semi-peripheral Sociology under 'neoliberal' institutional funding structures: the New Zealand case

Moghadam, Valentine M. (USA*): Provincialism and Exceptionalism: American Sociology and the Middle East

Mucha, Janusz (Poland): Sociology in Eastern Europe or Eastern European Sociology: Historical and Present

Supervielle, Marcos (Uruguay): Dilemma or false dilemma in the third world: social and eocnomic efficiency or reduction of social exploitation

Tavares Dos Santos, José Vicente (Brazil*): The Hard Dialogue between American Criminology and Latin American Sociology of Violence: Why Micro-Models can not explain Structural Violence

THEME #2: The significance of the global concentration of material resources (journals, research funds, etc.) and symbolic resources (language, intellectual traditions, etc.)

Chang, Mau-kuei, Ying-hwa Chang, and Chih-chie Tang (Taiwan*): Historical Formation and Institutionalization of Sociology in Taiwan

Hanafi, Sari (Palestine): Impact of Western Funding System on Social Sciences’Research in the Arab East: The Dilemma of the Research Centers External to Universities

Machimura, Takashi (Japan): Doing Sociology in Native Language in Globalizing World: Thinking about its significance and difficulty in Japan

Palermo, Alicia Itatí (Argentina): Publishing sociology cientific journals in Argentina: problems and challenges

Velástegui Bahamonde, Napoleón (Ecuador): Regionalization: The Current Phase of Globalization

Scott, Sue (United Kingdom): What does it mean to benchmark sociology internationally?

THEME #4: The increasing pressures for policy relevant research and its implications for sociology.

Blok, Anders and Kristoffer Kropp (Denmark): Mode-2 sociologies in Denmark? Institutional and cognitive responses to increasing pressures for policy-relevant research

Fotev, Georgy (Bulgaria): Value-free Sociology: Withstanding Political Pressures

Guliyev, Rufat (Azerbaijan): Sociology Investigates the Influence of Foreign Investment on Social Policy in Azerbaijan

Hetzler, Antoinette (Sweden): The Welfare State and Welfare Sociology - Sociology as an Instrument of Political Power

Lango , Patricio (Mozambique): Poverty Fighters in Academia:The Subversion of the Notion of Socially Engaged Science in the Mozambican Higher Education System

Sa’ad, Abdul-Mumin (Nigeria*): Globalisation, Sociological Research And Public Policy In Nigeria: A Critical Analysis of the Relevance of Criminological Research to the Development Needs of Nigeria.

Sulkunen, Pekka (Finland): The Relevance of Relevance. Social Science and Social Practice in Post-positivistic Society

Uys, Tina (South Africa*): Academic freedom at any price? An exploration of academic enclaves and academic citizens in new South African sociology'

THEME #5: Teaching sociology in a globalizing world -- who are our students and what should we teach them, and how?

Bednárik, Rastislav (Slovakia): Challenges to Teaching Sociology in Slovakia posed by entry into the European Union

Onyeonoru, Ifeanyi P. (Nigeria): The Challenge of Teaching Sociology in a Globalising South: Between Indigenization and Emergent Structures

Tadele , Feleke (Ethiopia): Recent Economic Growth, Emerging Social Inequalities and Wellbeing in Ethiopia: The implications for Sociological Research and Training.

THEME #6: How inter-national inequalities shape intra-national inequalities and thereby pose specific challenges to the practice and development of robust national sociologies?

Carillo, Jorge and Clemeente Ruiz (Mexico): Multinational Corporations in Mexico: Strategies and their linkages with SMEs

Chauvel, Louis (France*): The Increasingly dominated fraction of the dominant class : how the French cultural capital based middle classes face a backlash

Dwyer, Tom (Brazil): Inequality research in Brazil - the dialogue between the local and the global

Hettige, Siri (Sri Lanka): Sociological Enterprise at the Periphery: the Case of Sri Lanka

Koc, Mustafa (Turkey): Sociology of the Silenced or Silencing Sociology

Modi, Ishwar (India): Indian Sociology and Social Equality: Emerging Challenges

Smooha, Sammy (Israel): The Challenges for Sociology in Israel as a Deeply Divided and Western-Oriented Society

Utasi, Ágnes (Hungary): Effects of Human relationships on the Subjective Quality of Life

THEME #7: The possibility of sociologies-from-below based on local, national and regional specificities as well as those based on gender, class and ethnicity.

Baptista, Luís (Portugal): Our (scientific) Community and Our Society: rethinking the role and dilemmas of national sociological associations- the Portuguese case

Bergman, Max (Switzerland): The Challenges and Opportunities of Sociology in Switzerland: Is there a Swiss Sociology or Are We Stuck between German, French, and English-language Sociologies?

Fleck, Christian (Austria): Diversity or Fragmentation in Europe's Sociology: Lessons to be Learned?

Ghaneirad, Mohamad Amin (Iran): A Critical Review of Iranian Attempts for the Development of Alternative Sociologies

Mansurov, Valery (Russia): Instituionalization of Sociology and Professionalization of Sociologists in Russia

Mapadimeng, Mokong Simon (South Africa): The South African sociology, current challenges and future implications

Porio, Emma (Philippines*): Public Sociology in the Philippines: Possibilities for Alternative Discourses and Practices

Sato, Yoshimichi (Japan*): Are Asian Sociologies Possible?: Universalism versus Particularism

Subirats, Marina (Spain): Facing a globalizing world: some suggestions for a global sociology

Vu , Hao-Quang (Vietnam): Vietnamese Farmers Face the WTO: Implications for Sociology


Michael Burawoy (USA*): Challenges for Sociology in an Unequal World

Boaventura de Sousa Santos (meu antigo professor) condecorado pelo Governo Brasileiro

O sociólogo português Boaventura de Sousa Santos, director do Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, foi condecorado pelo Governo Brasileiro com a Gran-Cruz da Ordem do Mérito Cultural de 2009.

Criada em 1995, esta é a mais alta comenda do Governo Brasileiro atribuída a personalidades e instituições que se destacam pelas suas contribuições à Cultura brasileira e mundial.

Ao longo de 14 anos, a Ordem do Mérito Cultural foi atribuída a várias personalidades de renome brasileiras e estrangeiras, entre elas destacam-se o escritor Jorge Amado, o arquitecto Óscar Niemeyer, Roberto Marinho, fundador da TV Globo e Carlos Lopes, actual Director-Geral da UNITAR.

Além de Boaventura de Sousa Santos, a comenda foi também atribuída em edições anteriores a destacadas personalidades da cultura portuguesa, entre elas Agostinho da Silva, filósofo falecido em 1994 e Maria João Bustorff, ex-Ministra da Cultura.

Na sua actividade enquanto sociólogo, Boaventura de Sousa Santos tem vindo a trabalhar de muito perto com várias instituições académicas e estatais brasileiras.

Entre as colaborações mais recentes destaca-se a que junta o Observatório Permanente da Justiça Portuguesa, sediado no CES e coordenado por Boaventura, e o Ministério da Justiça Brasileira, com vista à criação de um Observatório da Justiça no Brasil.

A parceria entre o CES e a Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais contribuiu para a criação do CES-América Latina, instituição científica inspirada no modelo do CES-Coimbra, e para o estabelecimento do primeiro doutoramento internacional do CES.

Boaventura tem sido também um dos principais promotores e participantes do Fórum Social Mundial, cuja edição inaugural foi realizada em Porto Alegre, Brasil em 2001.

A condecoração será entregue pelo Presidente Lula da Silva no dia 25 de Novembro de 2009 no Rio de Janeiro.